Lexer Development


A critical concept in the design of Rouge is the "lexer". A lexer converts ordinary text into a series of tokens that Rouge can then process.

Rouge supports the languages it does by having a separate lexer for each language. Lexer development is important both for fixing Rouge when syntax isn't being highlighted properly and for adding languages that Rouge doesn't support.

The remainder of this document explains how to develop a lexer for Rouge.

Please don't submit lexers that are largely copy-pasted from other files. These submissions will be rejected.

Getting Started

Development Environment

To develop a lexer, you need to have set up a development environment. If you haven't done that yet, we've got a guide that can help.

The rest of this guide assumes that you have set up such an environment and, importantly, that you have installed the gems on which Rouge depends to a directory within the repository (we recommend vendor/).

File Location

Rouge automatically loads lexers saved in the lib/rouge/lexers/ directory and so if you're submitting a new lexer, that's the right place to put it. The filename should match the name of your lexer, with the Ruby filename extension .rb appended. If the name of your language is Example, the lexer would be saved as lib/rouge/lexers/example.rb.

Subclassing RegexLexer

Your lexer needs to be a subclass of the Rouge::Lexer abstract class. Most lexers are in fact subclassed from Rouge::RegexLexer as the simplest way to define the states of a lexer is to use rules consisting of regular expressions. The remainder of this guide assumes your lexer is subclassed from Rouge::RegexLexer.

How to Structure

Basically, a lexer consists of two parts:

  1. a series of properties that are usually declared at the top of the lexer; and
  2. a collection of one or more states, each of which has one or more rules.

There are some additional features that a lexer can implement and we'll cover those at the end.

For the remainder of this guide, we'll use the JSON lexer as an example. The lexer is relatively simple and is for a language with which many people will at least have some level of familiarity.

Lexer Properties

To be usable by Rouge, a lexer should declare a title, a description, a tag, any aliases, associated filenames and associated mimetypes.


title "JSON"

The title of the lexer. It is declared using the Rouge::Lexer.title method.

Note: As a subclass of Rouge::RegexLexer, the JSON lexer inherits this method (and its inherited methods) into its namespace and can call those methods without needing to prefix each with Rouge::Lexer. This is the case with all of the property defining methods.


desc "JavaScript Object Notation (json.org)"

The description of the lexer. It is declared using the Rouge::Lexer.desc method.


tag "json"

The tag associated with the lexer. It is declared using the Rouge::Lexer.tag method.

A tag provides a way to specify the lexer that should apply to text within a given code block. In various flavours of Markdown, it's used after the opening of a code block, such as in the following example:

puts "This is some Ruby"

The ruby tag is defined in the Ruby lexer.


The aliases associated with a lexer. These are declared using the Rouge::Lexer.aliases method. Aliases are alternative ways that the lexer can be identified.

The JSON lexer does not define any aliases but the Ruby one does. We can see how it could be used by looking at another example in Markdown. This time, instead of specifying the tag after the opening of the code block, we'll use an alias instead:

puts "This is still some Ruby"


filenames "*.json"

The filename(s) associated with a lexer. These are declared using the Rouge::Lexer.filenames method.

Filenames are declared as "globs" that will match a particular pattern. A "glob" may be merely the specific name of a file (eg. Rakefile) or it could include one or more wildcards (eg. *.json).


mimetypes "application/json", "application/vnd.api+json", "application/hal+json"

The mimetype(s) associated with a lexer. These are declared using the Rouge::Lexer.mimetypes method.

Lexer States

The other major element of a lexer is the collection of one or more states. For lexers that subclass Rouge::RegexLexer, a state will consist of one or more rules with a rule consisting of a regular expression and an action. The action yields tokens and manipulates the state stack.

The State Stack

The state stack represents an ordered sequence of states the lexer is currently processing. States are added and removed from the "top" of the stack. The oldest state is on the bottom of the stack and the newest state is on the top.

The initial (and therefore bottommost) state is the :root state. The lexer works by looking at the rules that are in the state that is on top of the stack. These are tried in order until a match is found. At this point, the action defined in the rule is run, the head of the input stream is advanced and the process is repeated with the state that is now on top of the stack.

Now that we've explained the concepts, let's look at how you actually define these elements in your lexer.


state :root do
  ... # do some stuff

A state is defined using the Rouge::RegexLexer.state method. The method consists of the name of the state as a Symbol and a block specifying the rules that Rouge will try to match as it parses the text.


A rule is defined using the Rouge::RegexLexer::StateDSL#rule method. The rule method can define either "simple" rules or "complex" rules.

Simple Rules
rule /\s+/m, Text::Whitespace
rule /"/, Str::Double, :string

A simple rule takes:

  1. a regular expression to match against;
  2. a token to yield if the regular expression matches; and
  3. an optional new state to push onto the state stack if the regular expression matches.

In the above example, there are two rules. The first rule yields the token Text::Whitespace but does not do anything to the state stack. The second rule yields the token Str::Double and adds the new state :string to the top of the state stack. The text being parsed after this point will now be processed by the rules in the :string state.

The following code shows the definition for this state and the rules that are defined within it:

state :string do
  rule /[^\\"]+/, Str::Double
  rule /\\./, Str::Escape
  rule /"/, Str::Double, :pop!

The last rule features the "special state" :pop!. This is not really a state, rather it is an instruction to the lexer to remove the current state from the top of the state stack. In the JSON lexer, when we encounter the double quotation mark " we enter into the state of being "in a string" and when we next encounter the double quotation mark, we leave the string and return to the previous state (in this case, the :root state).

Complex Rules

It is possible to define more complex rules for a lexer by calling rule with:

  1. a regular expression to match against; and
  2. a block to call if the regular expression matches.

The block called can take one argument, usually written as m, that contains the regular expression match object.

These kind of rules allow for more fine-grained control of the state stack. Inside a complex rule's block, it's possible to call Rouge::RegexLexer#push, Rouge::RegexLexer#pop!, Rouge::RegexLexer#token and Rouge::RegexLexer#delegate.

You can see an example of these more complex rules in the Ruby lexer.

Additional Features

While the properties and states are the minimum elements of a lexer that need to be implemented, a lexer can include additional features.

Source Detection

def self.detect?(text)
  return true if text.shebang? 'ruby'

Rouge will attempt to guess the appropriate lexer if it is not otherwise clear. If Rouge is unable to do this on the basis of any tag, associated filename or associated mimetype, it will try to detect the appropriate lexer on the basis of the text itself (the source). This is done by calling self.detect? on the possible lexer (a default self.detect? method is defined in Rouge::Lexer and simply returns false).

A lexer can implement its own self.detect? method that takes a Rouge::TextAnalyzer object as a parameter. If the self.detect? method returns true, the lexer will be selected as the appropriate lexer.

It is important to note that self.detect? should only return true if it is 100% sure that the language is detected. The most common ways for source code to identify the language it's written in is with a shebang or a doctype and Rouge provides the Rouge::TextAnalyzer#shebang method and the Rouge::TextAnalyzer#doctype method specifically for use with self.detect? to make these checks easy to perform.

For more general disambiguation between different lexers, see Conflicting Filename Globs below.

Special Words

Every programming language reserves certain words for use as identifiers that have a special meaning in the language. To make regular expressions that search for these words easier, many lexers will put the applicable keywords in an array and make them available in a particular way (be it as a local variable, an instance variable or what have you).

For performance and safety, we strongly recommend lexers use a class method:

module Rouge
  module Lexers
    class YetAnotherLanguage < RegexLexer

    def self.keywords
      @keywords ||= Set.new %w(key words used in this language)


These keywords can then be used like so:

rule /\w+/ do |m|
  if self.class.keywords.include?(m[0])
    token Keyword
    token Name

In some cases, you may want to interpolate your keywords into a regular expression. We strongly recommend you avoid doing this. Having a large number of rules that are searching for particular words is not as performant as a rule with a generic pattern with a block that checks whether the pattern is a member of a predefined set and assigns tokens, pushes new states, etc.

If you do need to use interpolation, be careful to use the \b anchor to avoid inadvertently matching part of a longer word (eg. if matching iff)::

rule /\b(#{keywords.join('|')})\b/, Keyword


start do
  push :expr_start
  @heredoc_queue = []

The Rouge::RegexLexer.start method can take a block that will be called when the lexer commences lexing. This provides a way to enter into a special state "before" entering into the :root state (the :root state is still the bottommost state in the state stack; the state pushed by start sits "on top" but is the state in which the lexer begins.

Why would you want to do this? In some languages, there may be language structures that can appear at the beginning of a file. Rouge::RegexLexer.start provides a way to parse these structures without needing a special rule in your :root state that has to keep track of whether you are processing things for the first time.


If a lexer is for a language that is very similar to a language with an existing lexer, it's possible to subclass the existing lexer. See the C++ lexer and the JSX lexer for examples.


Conflicting Filename Globs

If two or more lexers define the same filename glob, this will cause an Rouge::Guesser::Ambiguous error to be raised by certain guessing methods (including the one used by the assert_guess method used in your spec).

The solution to this is to define a disambiguation procedure in the Rouge::Guessers::Disambiguation class. Here's the procedure for the *.pl filename glob as an example:

disambiguate "*.pl" do
  next Perl if contains?("my $")
  next Prolog if contains?(":-")
  next Prolog if matches?(/\A\w+(\(\w+\,\s*\w+\))*\./)

Then, in your spec, include a :source parameter when calling assert_guess:

it "guesses by filename" do
  # *.pl needs source hints because it's also used by Prolog
  assert_guess :filename => "foo.pl", :source => "my $foo = 1"

How to Test

When developing a lexer, it is important to have ways to test it. Rouge provides support for three types of test files:

  1. a spec that will run as part of Rouge's test suite;
  2. a demo that will be tested as part of Rouge's test suite; and;
  3. a visual sample of the various language constructs.

When you submit a lexer, you must also include these test files.

Before we look at how to run these tests, let's look at the files themselves.


A spec is a list of expectations that are tested as part of the test suite. Rouge uses the Minitest library for defining these expectations. For more information about Minitest, refer to the documentation.

Your spec should at a minimum test how your lexer interacts with Rouge's guessing algorithm. In particular, you should check:

  • the associated filenames;
  • the associated mimetypes; and
  • the associated sources (if any).

Your spec must be saved to spec/lexers/<name_of_your_lexer>_spec.rb.


it "guesses by filename" do
  assert_guess :filename => "foo.rb"

Each of the filename globs that are declared in the lexer should be tested in the spec. As discussed above, if the associated filename glob conflicts with a filename glob defined in another lexer, you will need to write a disambiguation.


it "guesses by mimetype" do
  assert_guess :mimetype => "text/x-ruby"

Each of the mimetypes that are declared in the lexer should be tested in the spec.


it "guesses by source" do
  assert_guess :source => "#!/usr/local/bin/ruby"

If the lexer implements the self.detect? method, then each predicate that returns true should be tested.


The demo file is tested automatically as part of Rouge's test suite. The file should be able to be parsed without producing any Error tokens.

The demo is also used on rouge.jneen.net as the default text to display when a lexer is chosen. It should be short (less than 20 lines if possible).

Your demo must be saved to lib/rouge/demos/<name_of_your_lexer>. Please note that there is no file extension.

Visual Samples

A visual sample is a file that includes a representive sample of the syntax of your language. The sample should be long enough to reasonably demonstrate the correct lexing of the language but does not need to offer complete coverage. While it can be tempting to copy and paste code found online, please refrain from doing this. If you need to copy code, indicate in a comment (using the appropriate syntax for your lexer's language) the source of the code. Avoid including code that is duplicative of the other code in the sample.

If you are adding or fixing rules in the lexer, please add some examples of the expressions that will be highlighted differently to the visual sample if they're not already present. This greatly assists in reviewing your lexer submission.

Your visual sample must be saved to spec/visual/sample/<name_of_your_lexer>. As with the demo file, there is no file extension.

Running the Tests

The spec and the demo can be run using the rake command. You can run this by typing bundle exec rake at the command line. If everything works, you should see a series of dots. If you have an error, this will appear here, too.

You can also run bundle exec rake VERBOSE=1 to see all warnings.

To see your visual sample, launch Rouge's visual test app by running bundle exec rackup. You can choose your sample from the complete list by going to http://localhost:9292.

How to Submit

So you've developed a lexer (or fixed an existing one)—that's great! The basic workflow for a lexer to be submitted is:

  1. you make a pull request;
  2. a maintainer reviews the lexer;
  3. the maintainer suggests any changes that need to be made;
  4. you make the necessary changes;
  5. the maintainer accepts the request and merges in the code; and
  6. the lexer is included in a future release of the Rouge gem.

Now you're on your way to fame and glory! (Maybe.)

If you haven't submitted a pull request before, GitHub has excellent documentation that will help you get accustomed to the workflow.

We're looking forward to seeing your code!

You can learn a lot by reading through some of the existing lexers. A good example that's not too long is the JSON lexer.