Class: Rouge::Lexers::Julia

RegexLexer show all
Defined in:

Constant Summary collapse

  true      | false    | missing | nothing
| Inf       | Inf16    | Inf32   | Inf64
| NaN       | NaN16    | NaN32   | NaN64
| stdout    | stderr   | stdin   | devnull
| pi        | π        | ℯ       | im
| ARGS      | C_NULL   | ENV     | ENDIAN_BOM
| VERSION   | undef    | (LOAD|DEPOT)_PATH
  function | return | module | import | export
| if       | else   | elseif | end    | for
| in       | isa    | while  | try    | catch
| const    | local  | global | using  | struct
| mutable struct    | abstract type   | finally
| begin    | do     | quote  | macro  | for outer
| where

NOTE: The list of types was generated automatically using the following script: using Pkg, InteractiveUtils

allnames = [names(Core); names(Base, imported=true)]

for stdlib in readdir(Pkg.Types.stdlib_dir()) mod = Symbol(basename(stdlib)) @eval begin using $mod append!(allnames, names($mod)) end end


i = 1 for sym in allnames global i # needed at the top level, e.g. in the REPL isdefined(Main, sym) || continue getfield(which(Main, sym), sym) isa Type || continue sym === :(=>) && continue # Actually an alias for Pair print("| ", sym) i % 3 == 0 ? println() : print(" ") # print 3 to a line i += 1 end

  ARPACKException | AbstractArray | AbstractChannel
| AbstractChar | AbstractDict | AbstractDisplay
| AbstractFloat | AbstractIrrational | AbstractLogger
| AbstractMatrix | AbstractREPL | AbstractRNG
| AbstractRange | AbstractSerializer | AbstractSet
| AbstractSparseArray | AbstractSparseMatrix | AbstractSparseVector
| AbstractString | AbstractUnitRange | AbstractVecOrMat
| AbstractVector | AbstractWorkerPool | Adjoint
| Any | ArgumentError | Array
| AssertionError | Base64DecodePipe | Base64EncodePipe
| BasicREPL | Bidiagonal | BigFloat
| BigInt | BitArray | BitMatrix
| BitSet | BitVector | Bool
| BoundsError | BunchKaufman | CachingPool
| CapturedException | CartesianIndex | CartesianIndices
| Cchar | Cdouble | Cfloat
| Channel | Char | Cholesky
| CholeskyPivoted | Cint | Cintmax_t
| Clong | Clonglong | ClusterManager
| Cmd | Colon | Complex
| ComplexF16 | ComplexF32 | ComplexF64
| CompositeException | Condition | ConsoleLogger
| Cptrdiff_t | Cshort | Csize_t
| Cssize_t | Cstring | Cuchar
| Cuint | Cuintmax_t | Culong
| Culonglong | Cushort | Cvoid
| Cwchar_t | Cwstring | DataType
| Date | DateFormat | DatePeriod
| DateTime | Day | DenseArray
| DenseMatrix | DenseVecOrMat | DenseVector
| Diagonal | Dict | DimensionMismatch
| Dims | DivideError | DomainError
| EOFError | Eigen | Enum
| ErrorException | Exception | ExponentialBackOff
| Expr | FDWatcher | Factorization
| FileMonitor | Float16 | Float32
| Float64 | FolderMonitor | Function
| GeneralizedEigen | GeneralizedSVD | GeneralizedSchur
| GenericArray | GenericDict | GenericSet
| GenericString | GitConfig | GitRepo
| GlobalRef | HMAC_CTX | HTML
| Hermitian | Hessenberg | Hour
| IO | IOBuffer | IOContext
| IOStream | IPAddr | IPv4
| IPv6 | IdDict | IndexCartesian
| IndexLinear | IndexStyle | InexactError
| InitError | Int | Int128
| Int16 | Int32 | Int64
| Int8 | Integer | InterruptException
| InvalidStateException | Irrational | KeyError
| LAPACKException | LDLt | LQ
| LU | LinRange | LineEditREPL
| LineNumberNode | LinearIndices | LoadError
| LogLevel | LowerTriangular | MIME
| Matrix | MersenneTwister | Method
| MethodError | Microsecond | Millisecond
| Minute | Missing | MissingException
| Module | Month | NTuple
| NamedTuple | Nanosecond | Nothing
| NullLogger | Number | OrdinalRange
| OutOfMemoryError | OverflowError | PackageMode
| PackageSpec | Pair | PartialQuickSort
| Period | PermutedDimsArray | Pipe
| PollingFileWatcher | PosDefException | ProcessExitedException
| Ptr | QR | QRPivoted
| QuoteNode | RandomDevice | RankDeficientException
| Rational | RawFD | ReadOnlyMemoryError
| Real | ReentrantLock | Ref
| Regex | RegexMatch | RemoteChannel
| RemoteException | RoundingMode | SHA1_CTX
| SHA224_CTX | SHA256_CTX | SHA2_224_CTX
| SHA2_256_CTX | SHA2_384_CTX | SHA2_512_CTX
| SHA384_CTX | SHA3_224_CTX | SHA3_256_CTX
| SHA3_384_CTX | SHA3_512_CTX | SHA512_CTX
| SVD | Schur | Second
| SegmentationFault | Serializer | Set
| SharedArray | SharedMatrix | SharedVector
| Signed | SimpleLogger | SingularException
| Some | SparseMatrixCSC | SparseVector
| StackOverflowError | StepRange | StepRangeLen
| StreamREPL | StridedArray | StridedMatrix
| StridedVecOrMat | StridedVector | String
| StringIndexError | SubArray | SubString
| SubstitutionString | SymTridiagonal | Symbol
| Symmetric | SystemError | TCPSocket
| Task | TestSetException | Text
| TextDisplay | Time | TimePeriod
| TimeType | TimeZone | Timer
| Transpose | Tridiagonal | Tuple
| Type | TypeError | TypeVar
| UDPSocket | UInt | UInt128
| UInt16 | UInt32 | UInt64
| UInt8 | UTC | UUID
| UndefInitializer | UndefKeywordError | UndefRefError
| UndefVarError | UniformScaling | Union
| UnionAll | UnitLowerTriangular | UnitRange
| UnitUpperTriangular | Unsigned | UpgradeLevel
| UpperTriangular | Val | Vararg
| VecElement | VecOrMat | Vector
| VersionNumber | WeakKeyDict | WeakRef
| Week | WorkerConfig | WorkerPool
| Year
/ \+      | =        | -     | \*   | \/
  | \\    | &        | \|    | \$   | ~
  | \^    | %        | !     | >>>  | >>
  | <<    | &&       | \|\|  | \+=  | -=
  | \*=   | \/=      | \\=   | ÷=   | %=
  | \^=   | &=       | \|=   | \$=  | >>>=
  | >>=   | <<=      | ==    | !=   | ≠
  | <=    | ≤        | >=    | ≥    | \.
  | ::    | <:       | ->    | \?   | \.\*
  | \.\^  | \.\\     | \.\/  | \\   | <
  | >     | ÷        | >:    | :    | ===
  | !==   | =>

Constants inherited from RegexLexer


Constants included from Token::Tokens

Token::Tokens::Num, Token::Tokens::Str

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Rouge::Lexer


Class Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from RegexLexer

append, #delegate, #goto, #group, #groups, #in_state?, #pop!, prepend, #push, #recurse, replace_state, #reset!, #reset_stack, #stack, start, start_procs, state, #state, #state?, state_definitions, states, #step, #stream_tokens, #token

Methods inherited from Rouge::Lexer

aliases, all, #as_bool, #as_lexer, #as_list, #as_string, #as_token, #bool_option, continue_lex, #continue_lex, debug_enabled?, demo, demo_file, desc, detectable?, disable_debug!, enable_debug!, filenames, find, find_fancy, guess, guess_by_filename, guess_by_mimetype, guess_by_source, guesses, #hash_option, #initialize, lex, #lex, #lexer_option, #list_option, lookup_fancy, mimetypes, option, option_docs, #reset!, #stream_tokens, #string_option, #tag, tag, title, #token_option, #with

Methods included from Token::Tokens


Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Rouge::Lexer

Class Method Details

.detect?(text) ⇒ Boolean


  • (Boolean)

# File 'lib/rouge/lexers/julia.rb', line 16

def self.detect?(text)
  return true if text.shebang? 'julia'